Murder on the Italian Riviera Book Review

Murder on the Italian Riviera Book Review

Title: Murder on the Italian Riviera
Author: T. A. Williams
Published: May 2, 2024, Boldwood Books
No. of Pages: 252
Cover Price: $26.99 Hardcover, $17.99 Paperback, $.99 Kindle

Murder on the Italian Riviera is the seventh installment in the Armstrong and Oscar Cozy Mystery Series where Dan Armstrong, a retired cop and present private investigator, is hired by a woman who was previously convicted and sent to prison by Armstrong. It seems that a man has been murdered at this woman’s family naturalist resort, and Dan learns that the victim was connected to M16. He stays in the tower adjacent to the resort with her father, who is a retired restaurateur, so food is mentioned often throughout, adding another positive aspect to this novel.

This is a fun story, with building suspense, that grabs readers from the start and keeps them on edge throughout. Williams does an excellent job of telling a viable story, and developing the characters. Dan Armstrong is a good protagonist, and likeable. Oscar, his companion, is hands-down the favorite, however, and most readers will want to go get themselves a dog just like him. There is some humor in this book – Dan goes undercover in the naturist resort sans clothing so as to fit in, and most readers won’t relate and most won’t make reservations at a real one to take a nude vacation. The supporting characters are viable, and there is no absence of suspects, especially when an unlikeable visitor to the resort is also murdered.

All told, this novel is a quick read, but also a fun read. It is well-written and most readers who aren’t familiar with the series will want to pick up the previous novels.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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