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Ebook Author Details

Tina Sansone
BellaOnline's Genealogy Editor

My name is Tina Sansone. I live in Germantown, TN, near Memphis. I love doing genealogy and helping others. I love discovering ways to educate myself in doing Family Research, and sharing those ways. The best part of being the Genealogy Editor is when a reader makes comments or suggestions for an article they want to learn about. This site is a learning endeavor, not just for the readers, but for myself as well. I enjoy helping others break their brick walls and the excitement from finding a long lost ancestor. It is important to me to inform about new opportunites to learn either thru conferences, new databases, webinars and other various methods.

I am serving as ISFHWE’s SE Director, Facebook Admin and 2013 & 2014 Coordinator of the “Excellence in Writing” competition. I am on the newly elected 2014 APG Board and the President of the Second Life APG Chapter. I am the Genealogy Editor & Ebook Manager for BellaOnline and also is the non-fiction editor for their literary magazine, MUSED; an Associate Mentor and blogs for the Council for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy (CAFG). I just served two years as the Tennessee Genealogical Society’s Vice President and contributed to their quarterly, “Ansearchin’ News” and am part of their Social Media team. I lectures=, write (Geneablogger) and research as my time permits. I am also a wife, mother and grandma. (

I love discovering new databases and software and will pass this information along as well. I am on Facebook and would love to have you as a friend.

Tina Sansone

Contact Tina Sansone

Getting Started in Genealogy
by Tina Sansone
Tina Sansone, Genealogy Editor for, shares family history articles,tips, and websites.
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