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Ebook Author Details

Debbie Mandel
BellaOnline's Stress Management Editor

Greetings Everyone! I am the goddess of stress-management. In fact, I have written 2 books on how to be healthier and happier. My first, Turn on Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul, provides strategies for 29 different stressful situations from burn out to getting the love you deserve. My new book, Changing Habits: The Caregivers´ Total Workout inspires and concretely helps those sandwiched between children, aging parents and work - easy to read and compact for those who have little time, but big problems.

Also, I do stress-management workshops where I teach the emotional and physical tools for specific life challenges and energize my audience who consists of people from all walks of life. And I host a weekly health and wellness radio show which which airs Tuesdays at 7:00PM EST on WGBB in New York and streams live on the internet. Current and past shows can also be streamed on my website.

Because stress is the root of all evil regarding health and happiness, we need to decompress as quickly as possible. I will present on a regular basis my findings and personal spin on how to generate a positive mindset. Don’t just survive, thrive! My motto is: UOU You Owe Yourself.

Contact Debbie Mandel

Light Up Your Love Life: Training for Romance
by Debbie Mandel
Concrete, fun and comprehensive tips,emotional tools, visualizations,and exercises to help you attract the love you want or refresh the mundane love you now have.
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Meditation Made Easy: For Health and Happiness
by Debbie Mandel
A compact book of beautiful and effective meditations for beginners - using the five senses.
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