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Missing Children: What Every Adult Needs to Know

by Erika Lyn Smith
Missing Children: What Every Adult Needs to Know by Erika Lyn Smith is a guide to help missing, abducted & endangered children. The AMBER alert system developed after Amber Hagerman's kidnapping and murder.

Missing Children: What Every Adult Needs to Know is overflowing with a variety of practical and pertinent information to help anyone look for America's missing, abducted, and endangered children. Learn the tragic story behind the creation of the National AMBER Alert system, and the guidelines recommended by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) on when police should activate the system. Discover how you can help police look for child who has been abducted in your community during an Alert. Are you familiar with the following child safety programs which help protect children including: The Adam Walsh Child Protection Act, The Code Adam Missing Child Program, and the milk carton missing child program inspired by Etan Patz’s disappearance?

We all learned recently how important it is to pay attention in our own communities and neighborhoods in the recent discovery of three missing girls held captive for almost a decade in Ohio. This is testimony that missing children are living right next door to some of us and one may be in your neighborhood or attending your child's school. You may be the key in reuniting a child with his or her family.

Pages: 27
Price: $1 US

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